About Perspective

  • Our Purpose

    Perspective exists to deliver long-term value for its investors.

    The value extends to much more than investment returns. Our investors are not just numbered clients on statements; they are valued and respected key long-term stakeholders in our business, who see and clearly understand what we do and why we do it.

    We do exactly as we say; we stay focused on what matters most; and we communicate in a succinct, straightforward manner without frills or technical industry jargon. We engage with our investors as we would want to be engaged if our roles were reversed.

    The pursuit, curation and preservation of knowledge and the efficient transfer thereof over multiple investor generations is at the very core of our design and purpose. There is no point in studying and experiencing the past and the present only to forget the lessons learnt.

    Perspective is structured to remain independently controlled and led by the people who work here and to attract and retain top quality team members for the rest of their lives. Our investors value this intention and consistency.

    Over 26 years we built a treasured global network of relationships. This diverse network serves our investors well and we are constantly working to further deepen and grow it. Every new relationship and investor adds their own knowledge and perspectives into the mix. As our investor network expands further it becomes ever more valuable.

    We chose to build our business in South Africa. Our beautiful country needs many things, but perhaps most of all it needs sustainable jobs, a renewed culture of accountability, the preservation and sharing of knowledge and the backbone and courage to set the highest standards and to consistently do the right thing. We want to contribute meaningfully in this regard.

    Breathing life into Perspective in a highly regulated, complex and competitive industry in South Africa has not been easy, simple or quick. We could not sustain this without the committed support of every one of our investors, team members, families and all our many other stakeholders.

    We will never forget this. Thank you so much.

    Our work continues...

    Aspen Forest
    Aspen Forest
  • Who Owns Perspective?

    Founder Shareholders: Daniel Malan, Mikael Liefferink & Jean-Marie Eveillard.

    Our firm is structured to forever remain independently owner-managed by current and future generations of its people.

  • Our People
    John Rainier

    John Rainier

    Chairman (Independent, Non-Executive)

    John Rainier

    John has 30 years’ investment industry experience, specialising in general property investment and management. He served as the Managing Director and later as a Non-Executive Director of JSE listed Allan Gray Property Trust* from 1996-2013.

    * Later renamed Fountainhead Property Trust before merging with Redefine Properties in 2015.

    Jean-Marie Eveillard

    Jean-Marie Eveillard


    Jean-Marie Eveillard

    Jean-Marie has over 50 years of investment experience. In 2003 he received a Lifetime Achievement Award from Morningstar for building one of the most successful long-term records in the global investment business.

    Daniel Malan

    Daniel Malan

    Analyst, Portfolio Manager, Chief Investment Officer & Managing Director

    Daniel Malan

    » View LinkedIn profile

    Mikael Liefferink

    Mikael Liefferink

    Analyst, Portfolio Manager & Director

    Mikael Liefferink

    » View LinkedIn profile

    Mikael Liefferink

    Clement Vautrin


    Clement Vautrin

    » View LinkedIn profile

    Beryl Truter

    Beryl Truter

    Head of Operations

    Beryl Truter

    » View LinkedIn profile

    Khangelani Ncalu

    Khangelani Ncalu

    Office Administration

    Khangelani Ncalu

    » View LinkedIn profile

    Jamie Penfold



    Jamie Penfold

    » View LinkedIn profile

  • How Your Money is Kept Safe

    Perspective never directly handles any investors' cash; your money can only be transferred directly into our fund administration providers' inflow bank accounts. From there, and only on your verified instruction, it can only be transferred directly into your own name bank account - without exception.

    All our systems and processes are fully recoverable at short notice with minimal disruption in the hopefully unlikely event of a disaster at our physical premises.

    We only work with top business partners who are independent of us with high standards of business risk management and that maintain comprehensive insurance cover; Our business partners include Nedbank (banking), PKF (audit), Prescient Fund Services (fund administration), Santam (insurance), Old Mutual (fund administration), Avior (broker), SA Stockbrokers (broker) & Compliserve (compliance).

    Perspective Investment Management (Pty) Ltd is a formally registered company in compliance with the Companies Act of South Africa, including independently audited annual financial statements submitted to our regulatory authorities. Our shareholders agreement is fully empowered by our Memorandum of Incorporation.

    Our regular board meetings are chaired by an independent non-executive Chairman and attended on standing invitation by our independent audit partner & compliance officer.

    Our two executive directors are respectively a registered Key Individual and Representative (under supervision) with the FSCA. They respectively have 26 and 11 years of business experience, covering every aspect of an investment management firm.

    Our firm operates on a strict zero conflicts of interest basis with our investors and all other stakeholders. We co-invest alongside our investors with no side-pocket portfolios or interests allowed.

    Our firm maintains sufficient professional indemnity insurance cover at all times, as per our regulatory license conditions.

    We fully ascribe to and comply with the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.

    Our operating license to provide financial services to the public was issued by the FSCA (Financial Services Conduct Authority of South Africa) in February 2017. We are regularly assessed formally by independent parties for compliance with our operating license conditions.

    Our industry and our firm are highly regulated by various regulatory bodies and legislation; including the FSCA, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, CISCA (governing Unit Trusts), Regulation 28 (governing Pension Funds) and POPI (governing Protection of Personal Information).

  • How We Invest

    Our commitment to our investors is to only invest in assets that we can understand, that are owned and led by trustworthy, credible people, when they are safe and when we can pay a price well below what they are worth.

    We are long-term investors and we aim to own assets for 5 to 10 years or longer.

    We operate independently by doing our own research and by forming and backing our own investment conclusions, with no regard for comparisons to the positioning of our peers.

    Our internal research is supported and challenged by networking extensively with external stakeholders.

    Our buy discipline is value-based, because we prefer paying as cheap a price as possible.

    Our ownership- and sell-discipline is growth-based, because as long-term investors we prefer investing in assets with attractive long-term growth dynamics.

    We build our portfolios with no regard for index constituents. Our sole investment objective is to deliver positive long-term investment returns after all costs.

    We maintain sufficiently diversified and highly liquid portfolios at all times.

    Staying under the radar allows us to invest in the widest possible investment universe, transact our positions quickly and with no or minimal market impact, and change a position if we change our minds when the facts change.

    We communicate in a no-nonsense, straightforward manner, without using industry jargon or lengthy prose.

    We keep and drive direct and indirect investor total costs down.

    All of our own and our family's savings are invested in our funds alongside our investors, with no fee discounts.

  • Investment Options

Invest with us, or contact us for more information.

Bespoke Portfolios

We build and manage uniquely customised portfolios for qualifying investors mandated to suit your investment objectives; provided it fits within our long-term investment approach.

We draw from our same rigorous research and portfolio management approach over multiple asset classes and geographies.

The portfolio assets is held in your own name.

We only work with carefully selected top investment administration business partners that are reputable, experienced, scale and low-cost.

We deliver highly competitive costs, a quality personal service level experience and full transparency with no fine print hidden costs & restrictions.

If you are interested in our Bespoke Portfolios, please send us your details and we will contact you.

Perspective Balanced Prescient Fund

  • Overview

    This fund is strictly managed within the investment parameters of the legislation governing South African pension funds and unit trusts.

    This means that it can accommodate any of your regulated pension savings. The mandate flexibility of a Balanced Fund enables us to be more defensively positioned when assets are expensive and more fully invested when assets are cheap. We can invest across multiple asset classes, such as equities, bonds, property, commodities, private equity, alternative assets and cash instruments. In addition, 45% of the fund can be invested directly offshore.

    An investment in this fund delivers guaranteed daily liquidity and competitive costs, with no fine print hidden costs & restrictions, in addition to a quality personal service level experience. You will receive quarterly fund factsheets, detailed quarterly investor statements and access to a secure online portal to draw investor statements whenever you may need to.

  • Forms and Cover Letters

    To protect you from the reality of ever increasing online fraud globally, the relevant application forms and cover letters to transact in our unit trusts are purposefully not provided on our website.

    Our business strategy is to establish and maintain personal, confidential interactions with each of our fund investors. When we first establish contact we will provide you with our senior team members' direct contact details. Please note that forms and cover letters should only be provided to you directly from our head of operations, Beryl Truter, or by our directors, Mikael Liefferink & Daniel Malan.

    The list of forms for our unit trusts are:
    1. Application Form - Individual Investors
    2. Application Form - Tax Free Savings Accounts for Individuals
    3. Application Form - Legal Entities and Trusts
    4. Additional Application Form
    5. Redemption Form
    6. Switch Form
    7. Static Data Amendment Form
    8. Transfer of Ownership Form

    Please contact Beryl, Mikael or Daniel directly or at info@perspectiveim.co.za should you wish to implement any of these actions. We will provide you with the relevant and up-to-date forms for completion and offer our team's personal assistance regarding the process and FICA documentation, if required.

    With respect to the secure transfer of your investment money, it is important to note that it must only be paid / transferred directly into our fund administration provider’s (Prescient Management Company) authorised inflow bank account. Once you have provided the completed application form and FICA documentation is verified, our fund administration provider (Prescient Management Company) will securely and directly provide you with the authorised banking details to be used.

    Please never accept any instruction with regards banking details from any other party.

  • Owner Manuals
  • Fund Fact Sheets

    Download latest: September 2024

E-mail us at info@perspectiveim.co.za to help you invest in our Balanced Fund.

Perspective Executive Equity Prescient Fund

  • Overview

    The mandate of an Equity Fund ensures it will remain fully invested at all times, and only in equities.

    An investment in this fund delivers guaranteed daily liquidity and competitive costs, with no fine print hidden costs & restrictions, in addition to a quality personal service level experience. You will receive quarterly fund factsheets, detailed quarterly investor statements and access to a secure online portal to draw investor statements whenever you may need to.

  • Forms and Cover Letters

    To protect you from the reality of ever increasing online fraud globally, the relevant application forms and cover letters to transact in our unit trusts are purposefully not provided on our website.

    Our business strategy is to establish and maintain personal, confidential interactions with each of our fund investors. When we first establish contact we will provide you with our senior team members' direct contact details. Please note that forms and cover letters should only be provided to you directly from our head of operations, Beryl Truter, or by our directors, Mikael Liefferink & Daniel Malan.

    The list of forms for our unit trusts are:
    1. Application Form - Individual Investors
    2. Application Form - Tax Free Savings Accounts for Individuals
    3. Application Form - Legal Entities and Trusts
    4. Additional Application Form
    5. Redemption Form
    6. Switch Form
    7. Static Data Amendment Form
    8. Transfer of Ownership Form

    Please contact Beryl, Mikael or Daniel directly or at info@perspectiveim.co.za should you wish to implement any of these actions. We will provide you with the relevant and up-to-date forms for completion and offer our team's personal assistance regarding the process and FICA documentation, if required.

    With respect to the secure transfer of your investment money, it is important to note that it must only be paid / transferred directly into our fund administration provider’s (Prescient Management Company) authorised inflow bank account. Once you have provided the completed application form and FICA documentation is verified, our fund administration provider (Prescient Management Company) will securely and directly provide you with the authorised banking details to be used.

    Please never accept any instruction with regards banking details from any other party.

  • Owner Manuals
  • Fund Fact Sheets

    Download latest: September 2024

E-mail us at info@perspectiveim.co.za to help you invest in our Executive Equity Fund.

Contact Us

Unit 22, Victoria Junction, Prestwich Street, Cape Town 8001, South Africa

If you are driving a vehicle, please enter through Gate 5 from Prestwich Street (opposite Beluga restaurant / The Foundry).

If you are arriving on foot, please go to Gate 4 and press the “Perspective” button on the doorbell.